about Abbie and

purrfect pet care

As a lover of all animals from a young age, I always knew I wanted to make a career out of caring for our animal friends.

After becoming a Registered Veterinary Nurse in 2018 and working in vet practices for five years, that dream has become a reality.

From being a vet nurse as well as the owner of nervous/anxious pets, I know just how hard it is for the animals, especially cats, when they have to go to catteries or kennels, and so I set up Purrfect Pet Care - a chance for you to get away and feel at peace knowing your best friend is getting well-looked after, and as an option for when your usual vets are full and your pal just needs a quick nail trim or medication administered.

The difference it makes for your best friends to stay at their own home and be looked after by a caring, experienced figure whilst you go out for the evening or go get some well-deserved rest - or to avoid getting triggered by going to the vets - is astounding, and that’s exactly what I’m here for.

You no longer have to turn down that invite for a party or a weekend away, or to avoid making plans because your pet can’t go into boarding!